Ethos: Emancipation through Education

 Kaniya Cares as a brand, wishes to facilitate the development of global communities. Our ethos is Emancipation through Education, where we believe each child deserves the right to an education. Consequently, we will be building a classroom for children to actively learn and express themselves, this initiative began from interning for six weeks in Restinga. The marathon has begun with a small Non-Governmental Organisation in Brazil, called Casa da Sopa where more children will have access to a safe environment to play and develop their knowledge and artistic flare. Our ultimate mission is to expand our philanthropy across the different regions of the world. Including my home region of Somalia. 

With every product bought, we pledge a 20% contribution towards the costs of building the infrastructure for the classroom. We would like to thank you for shopping with us and believing in our brand, ethos and commitment towards community growth.

Here are some endearing pictures from our lovely children at Casa da Sopa.